Wednesday, November 30, 2011

3# interview

E: What is your name?
E: And as I know you are from Somali right?
A: Yes. But I born in United State and I have not been in my country  
E: Please describe the education system of your country.
A: As I know the education in my country is bad because everybody is thinking how to find money. And no jobs

E: How has your culture influenced your people/family values?
A: I live in United State. However, I have a lot of friends from Somalia and my families are her. And we fallow the religion. We are Muslim’s and we have mix cultures.

E: What is the form of government in your country?

A: Our government does not have money and no support. It is week and poor country.  We do not have a strong government.
Eid: I heard that there are a lot of tribes are fighting each other.
A: Yes. I think so

E: Tell me one thing that makes you proud of your country?
F: religion and even if we are poor and the government is week. We still love our country.

E: What places /sites would you recommend to tourists?
A: it’s hard question for me. I might not sure I have not been there
E:  What festivals do you celebrate in your country?
A: as I told you we are Muslim’s and we celebrate two days which are Eid Alfater and Eid Aladha after alhij
E:  What's the weather like in your hometown?
A: It’s hot there. But I think it’s more better than Minnesota weather.
E: . What is a type of sport in your country?
A: they love hunting and fighting (lough)

E: What's a traditional food in your country?
A: Rice with Goat, chicken soup and we love banana with rice.

E:  What do most women do after they get married in your country? (House wife, working?)
A: they stay home and take care of their child and their husbands.

E: What is your ideal job or what you want to do for the future career?
A: I would like to have a nice job after I finish my second degree and I might be visiting my country but I think it’s not safe in my country right now.
E:  Which country you'd like to go if you want to travel? Why?
A: Saudi Arabia and you should help me to get a visa. (Laughing)
E: What do your parents believe? Do you follow the same religion as your parents?
A: yes I do we all believe in Islam.
E: How long have you been in Untied State?
A: since I have come to the life
E: Can you tell me some of your hobbies?
A: hang out with my friends, music and basketball
 E:  What will you do after you go back to your home country?
A: I’m not sure yet
E: Before we finish this interview do you have any word or advice for international students?
A: they should study hard and make their family proud of them.
E:  Do you think the other country should support the government to stop the war in your country?
F: Yes. They should support the people first than the government. A lot of Somalis people they do have a food and money.

E: Thank you Aziz
A: You are welcome..

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Global communication

The diversification of the communication system has expanded from the local region to the international level with the help of mobile and digital technology. The integrated network facilitates the change in the status of information sharing and exchange and communication has reached the global standard. Global communication facilitates work and expedites the performance with quick availability of information. The global communication has improved the activities and standardized the performance global transactions in past ten years. It has helped in the prosperity of business, information system, and educational expansion.

Globalization helps in the expansion of trade and destroys the monopoly with global trade and availability of the products. The more the global expansion is happening, the more the countries are achieving economic liberty. This is a weapon to expand the empire of business. Along with this, the stock exchanges have lengthened the list of the companies along with other foreign companies and this leads to more investment from foreign countries. The shopping facility has also been improved with digital networking system starting from past two years and everything is available from the online shops without moving outside and any wastage of time.

The start of global communication has made education easier with online form filling and admission. In the past few years the online submission of assignment has made assessments faster and accurate. Students get online assignment helps also and the advice of the guides without moving from one place to another however may be the distance.

There are many courses through distance education and online education. ''New technologies, new modes of e-learning and new identities are possible for globalization, educational and development’’ (Taylor $ francis) Thus, Education has got a new dimension with globalization.

Globalization is an effective development in spreading business, information and education. As the service providers are benefited, so are the clients. It is a new power and confidence of making their effort recognized. This leads to a knowledge explosion for a better and enriched generation.

What is global communication and how has it promoted the globalization witnessed in the past ten years?

n  Definition of global communication
n  Thesis statement
n  Topic sentences on
How it helped in past 10 yearsBusiness, Information and Education
Body paragraph 1
     Globalization helped business
Support--- share trades/ stock brooking

Body paragraph—2
  Globalization helped information sharing and exchange
       Support—use of digital media

   Body paragraph—3
Globalization helped education
  Online courses and support system

  Conclusionsummary of discussion and opinion

Country report 2

Somalia was created in 1960 when the two territories of a former British protectorate and an Italian colony were merged. Its official name is Somali Democratic Republic. Somalia is situated in East Africa with the longest coastline in Africa, bordering the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. It shares land borders with Djibouti, Ethiopia and Kenya. Spread over an "area of 637,657sq km with a population of 9.36 million according to 2010 UN estimate" (Sub Saharan Africa), the country has witnessed slow development since it was formed.   The vast majority of Somalian population is ethnic Somali in nature.  Almost 100% of the population is Muslim, which makes Somalia relatively more homogenous when compared to other African states.
The official region is Sunni Muslim, and they speak more than one language, which are the official Somali, Arabic, Italian and English.  In 1991, the country was divided into fragments “led in whole or in part by three distinct entities: the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Mogadishu, the self-declared Republic of Somaliland in the northwest, and the semiautonomous region of Puntland in the northeast” (2010 Human Rights Report).  On the contrary, “ in the reporting period, most local administrations in the south have either been fragmented or have been taken over by Islamist militias” (Transformation : Somalia).

Somalia’s economy operates without a proper public sector management or regulation and   any kind of formal economic or monetary policies. However, an energetic informal economy exists in Somalia that is largely based on transnational trade and livestock. There is a relative sophistication and functionality present in commercial infrastructure and institutions.  Major industries include argiculture, and principal exports are hides and skins, and bananas.  The Somali economy is based on international trade networks, which are controlled by a small group of wealthy businessmen, while the majority of the population continues to live at the subsistence level, engaged in small-scale businesses as petty traders, livestock or grain producers (Transformation : Somalia).  The country has a general demand for imports such as food, clothes, electronics, Khat (the narcotic leaf) and cigarettes, and it is this demand that connects Somalia to the world market.

As far as a general, universal judicial system is concerned, Somalia has none.  Instead, a combination of traditional law and Islamic law provide the basic judicial framework for most of Somalia’s rural and urban communities. Under traditional law, leaders of the respective clans mediate in case of conflicts, and negotiate peace agreements.  If required, compensation payments within and between the clans are also arranged. Somali people “live largely without the protection of the state, access to security or institutional rule of law” (Africa at 50). Human development indicators are uniformly low, which can be seen from the fact that “Somalia has the worst health indicators in Africa with less than 0.5 doctors and two nurses per 100,000 people” (National Archives - Country Profiles).

There is a distinct discrimination as far as access to education is concerned.  For instance, the females are often subject to parental restrictions to education, and there are similar trends of exclusion visible among social minorities.  In the absence of an organized education system, education has been reorganized according to private interests and means. “With an estimated adult literacy rate of 24%, “Somalia still ranks among countries with the lowest levels of adult literacy worldwide” (Sustainability-Somalia Country Report).

                                                          " Works Cited"

"2010 Human Rights Report | ReliefWeb." Home | ReliefWeb. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>.

"Blog - Qaran News." NEWS – Africe at 50. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>.

"Country Profile: Somalia." British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) Home. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>.

"Somalia." WFP | United Nations World Food Programme - Fighting Hunger Worldwide. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.


Before I start my second interview, I was thinking to meet a new person from Somalia. So, I went to the Somalia restaurant than I found a lot of people from Somalia. I start the conversation by asking one of them about the war in Somalia. After that I asked him if he would like to answer some questions for my homework and he did not mind. I have a strong relationship because of my religion. And some of them had been in Saudi Arabia, especially Makah. And I have an I phone so, I used it for an audio record. However, I asked him if I can record the conversation and he said it’s okay. So, I started my second interview.

Personal thought..

The interview was very interesting and I was awed to understand the cultural wealth of Somalia.I had a chance to meet Farog and he made me feel very comfortable right from the beginning of the interview. Language was not a barrier as he spoke fluent English. He answered all my questions with ease and it clearly proved that he loved his culture and country. I was amazed to see his immense knowledge about Somalia and his deep understanding of his culture and society. He also expressed his sadness at the current economic crisis in his country and expressed his hope that it would all be settled soon. During the interview, I could clearly understand that he was very patriotic and intended to do something for his people.


 # 2

E: What is your name?
F: Farog
E: And as I know you are from Somali right?
F: Yes.  I hail from Mogadishu in Southern Somalia. It is also the nation’s capital
E: Please describe the education system of your country.
F: We have a strong educational structure. It begins with two years of Early Childhood Development (ECD), followed by four years of lower primary and four years of upper primary education . After this , we have to undergo four years of secondary education. University education is for an average of four years. And owing to severe political crisis, the modern education scenario is undergoing a lot of turbulence.

E: How has your culture influenced your people/family values?
F: I belong to a culture that has been greatly influences by our neighboring provinces including Ethiopia, Yemen. We are predominantly Muslims and my family takes pride in following the norms of our religion meticulously. Most of us in our society follow the same religion and hence, we are very closely knitted and have a sense of oneness.

E: What is the form of government in your country?

F: Our government is week and its poor not like your country. Sometimes I think there is no government in Somalia. The government cannot control the people because it does not have the power.
Eid: I heard that there are a lot of tribes are fighting each other.
Yes. We have some tribes they fight each other and nobody can stop them.

E: Tell me one thing that makes you proud of your country?
F: Nothing.
Eid; What you mean by nothing ?
F: I was trying to find one thing makes me proud of my country and I can not
I’m proud of my country because of the religion. And Thanks god
E: What places /sites would you recommend to tourists?
F: Not now. When the war is ended I will suggest you to go to my city.

E:  What festivals do you celebrate in your country?
F:   we celebrate as Muslims do. We have two holidays which is Eid Alfiter and Eid Aladha.
E:  What's the weather like in your hometown?
F: It’s so hot there. And I like the hot weather. I prefer it more than Minnesota weather.
E: . What is a type of sport in your country?
F: we prefer soccer and basketball, swimming and hunting.

E: What's a traditional food in your country?
F: Rich with Goat, Beef, Lamb. And lamb soup or chicken soup

E:  What do most women do after they get married in your country? (House wife, working?)
F: As we believe in my country the women jobs is staying at home and take care of the house and children. So, the women do not have to work. But she can also but some men do not like their wife having a job because they want them to take care of their child.

E: What is your ideal job or what you want to do for the future career?
F: I’m graduated from University of Minnesota.  And I have job right now. And I wish the war will end than I can go to my country.
E:  Which country you'd like to go if you want to travel? Why?
F: Of course Saudi Arabia because the Makah. I would like to make Omrrah and I wish I can live there for hole my life. Makah is the center of Islam.
E: What do your parents believe? Do you follow the same religion as your parents?
F: We all believe in Islam.
E: How long have you been in Untied State?
F: I have been here more than 13 years. I used to live in Chicago than I went to Minnesota
E: Can you tell me some of your hobbies?
F: I like to watch a TV, and hang out with my friends
 E:  What will you do after you go back to your home country?
F: I do not know.
E: Before we finish this interview do you have any word or advice for international students?
F: Eid, Do you come here to study?
Eid: yes
F: So, you should study and you can make a lot of money in your country. The International students should respect the American culture and work hard to get what they want.
E:  Do you think the other country should support the government to stop the war in your country?
F: Yes. They should support the government and the people. As you know, there are a lot of people in Somalia who did not eat for 1 week or 2 weeks. Especially the Muslims people should support them.

The top three places :

1- Puspak- 19
2- Tim- 18
3- A., Hassan A., Wenda, Jialun S. - 17

Thursday, November 3, 2011

It really took me a long time to make my first interview. I went to the Saint Paul and I decided to interview my friend from Somalia. His name is Ahmed Botan. He likes to call him Aj Botan. He is student at Hamlin University. I know a little bit about Somalia. However, I did some research about Somalia. Moreover, there are a lot of questions came to my mind but it will take a long time and he might feel boring. And I have chosen a Hoka store to make the interview when we are smoking Hoka. And I have asked him if I could record the conversation and he did not mind. Then I started it.

Personal Review
When I was in Saudi Arabia I did not communicate with international people. I just got what I need to know by watching the news and trying to see what happened to the world. Moreover,  I have been traveling a lot on the world but I only communicate with people who are from my country or who speak my language because the language was hard step for me to communicate with other people from the world. However, when I came to United State I started  learning English and having a lot of friends from different countries. I like to talk with them about many things especially their culture and religion and Policy.  So, I was happy to make an interview with a person who is from Somalia because I always heard about Somalia and there are a lot of poor people there who need help. I got a lot of information about Somalia country.
At the beginning of the interview, I was a little shy to ask him some hard questions about his country and it was the first time to ask him these questions. But when the interview started it became easy to me to ask him. What I learned from the interview, there are a lot of different cultures in this world and a lot of people who need help from other countries or from other people. It was great to know about other country and he was nice and helpful.

Country report

The country report is about Somalia. Somlaia is located in Africa. We heard a lot about Somalia and we saw a lot of people from Somalia who are living in United State especially in Minnesota.

First, I have to show you where is Smalia in map.



Somalia has faced unrest within the country for a generation. The weak government has not been able to protect its people from militancy, which has resulted in a wide spread chaos. With the insurgency led by Al Shabab, one of Africa’s most fearsome militant Islamist groups, South Somalia is practically been claimed by this group that claims to have links with Al Qaeda ever since 2007. Though in August 2011 Shabab withdrew partially to let the transitional federal government to unify its control, unfortunately, due to differences within the government, it remained disorganized, thus letting clan warlords, Islamic militants and other forces supported by foreign hands to claim their right on the country. In October, a huge truck full of bombs exploded outside the gates of the compound of the government setting fighters to force themselves at the market place of Dhobley. This resulted in massive kidnappings in Somalia and across the borders of Kenya, mostly targeting the westerners and their organizations. Another aspect that brought sudden calamity in the lives of the Somalis people is the draught. Almost one million people have fled their country, whereas many more have been starving due to spoiled crop and inflated prices.

Starvation has led to a loss of livestock as well. As such the Somalis need a immediate aid for food, clothes and shelter. Drought that was followed by unexpected floods have led to broken roads and infrastructure in the country.

Taking stock of the grim political situation in Somalia, the American government is at work training African recruits to fight back terrorism to protect the citizens during the transition that is taking place in the government. The African recruits are being trained to fight against Shabab’s insurgency.

And this is a picture that shows how African recruits are being trained by America.



''The new York times'' Africa. Web. September 9, 2011. Retrieved from

'The New York times' World. web. Thursday, November 3, 2011. retrieved from.

'The New York times' Africa. web. August 16, 2011 retrieved from.

First Interview

   What is your name?
Aj Boton
    Where are you from?
    Please describe the education system of your country.
As everybody know we had  a local war 30 years ago. For that reason, our education is so week. Our government is poor and it could not offer us a good education. Now for example: I used to live in the capital city in Somali which called magdecho for me as a high school student there was only two good schools and the others were so bad. Usually tanagers in my country think about how they can get money in order to them to survive. In the poor nation, so, they try to do other alternatives rather than education. The problem, the government does not guide them to the right way. And there parents are busy with the war.
What’s the reason that pushed a lot of somales to come to the United State?
That’s is the hard question
Eid: Why?
I would say that they came here to have a better living.. officially, they came here to survive and to have all the necessity of life. They want to raise their children in a good human way with a better education, welfare and all a good things in life.

    How has your culture influenced your people/family values?
I think we took the good things of our cultures and we forget the bad things. Actually, all our culture came from islam. And Until now, we still are holding our culture. and there a lot of Somalian people who are trying to use the American culture.
   What is the form of government in your country?
Oh my god it is hard to tell. But I would say that we do not have a real government. Yes we have a president who we did not elect but he does not have power in our country. I would call our government form a fake democracy in which we do not elect the president and he used the power from other countries to control our nation. I am feeling terrible that we do not have a real government. Our big three tribes fight each other and there is no real government that can stop them.                                         
   Tell me one thing that makes you proud of your country?
   Islam. Even though we have a local war that has no end, we still have the value and the culture of Islam which is great in my opinion. These people who fight in our country, do not have the real Islam view. They think that they are doing the right way of Islam, but they are not. Islam means peace and I wish they know that.          
   What places /sites would you recommend to tourists?
   Hhhhhhhhh(lughing)At least not at this time unless you want to be killed J . In fact we have many good places to visit but not at this time. I hope that everybody would be able to visit us in the next future. What festivals do you celebrate in your country?
    Actually we do not have two religious celebrate which is Eid Alfiter and Eid Aladha. But we do not have any nation celebration different that the main Islamic celebration. 
What's the weather like in your hometown?
  hhhhh for sure it is not like the weather in Minnesota. It is pretty hot in my country. It is what we call a desert weather which usually brings hot and sand storms. Our land is dry, once we have a rain we go out in the streets and enjoy cause it rarely happens in my nation. In the winter the weather changes to a very very cold which usually cause diseases for us at the beginning. 
 What is a type of sport in your country?
    Well there is no formal sport, but the sport we prefer is soccer. Some people love to go hunting and it is a big problem in my country cause there is no laws to protect the animals. And there are some prefer swimming.
 What's a traditional food in your country?
We always eat Goat, Beef, lamb and sometimes chicken is fried in ghee. And we like to eat these meats with a rich especially in lunch.

 What do most women do after they get married in your country? (House wife, working?)
we have our traditional way of life in which the women stays with her children and take care of the house while the man goes out to find a money for his children. But now as life become very complicated in Somalia, women starts to go out and help their men to find a living for their children. Some people thnk that it is not fair that women stay at home and work for her husband but we believe that the women keep their own values when they stay at home. The women is a golden gender in my country, we treat them in a special way.

 What is your ideal job or what you want to do for the future career?
I’m almost graduated from Hamlin University. Any job can give me more money.
 Which country you'd like to go if you want to travel? Why?
I would like to go to Saudi Arabia because I want to make Omrrah and stay in Makah.
 What do your parents believe? Do you follow the same religion as your parents?
We all believe in Islam.
 How long have you been in Untied State?
I have been here more than 10 years
 Can you tell me some of your hobbies?
I like to watch a TV, and play video game, and listening to the Somalian Music and hung out with my friends.
 What will you do after you go back to your home country?
I’m not going back to my country until the war is end.
 Before we finish this interview do you have any word or advice for international students?
They should respect the American culture and they should work hard to get what their want in their future
  Do you think the other country should support the government to stop the war in your country?
I hope the war will stop than I can go back to my home.